Tech-Driven Precision: Strengthening Graham Street Bridge with Robust Data Integrity

Project Overview 

We were tasked with producing an accurate 3D model of the Graham Street Bridge, encompassing both external structures and internal cavities, to ensure structural integrity and safety. We had to overcome significant challenges of data accuracy amid vibrations, confined spaces, and active construction, in order to provide crucial data for strengthening tendon design while minimising traffic disruption. 

The Challenge

The Graham Street Bridge spans the busiest road in Australia, presenting several challenges: 

  • Ensuring Team Safety: The safety of our team was our top priority, particularly given the hazardous conditions associated with working in confined spaces and active construction zones. 

  • Data Accuracy Amidst Vibrations: The constant vibrations from passing vehicles and ongoing construction activities posed significant hurdles in collecting and maintaining accurate data. 

  • Concrete Scanning in Confined Spaces: Verifying existing bridge drawings required precise concrete scanning, especially within the tight and confined spaces of the bridge's internal cavities. 

  • Active Construction Site Precision: Working on an active construction site necessitated meticulous setting out to ensure precision and avoid any disruptions. 

  • Providing Accurate Data: Providing reliable data was crucial for designing the strengthening tendons essential for the bridge's reinforcement. 

Our Solution: 

To overcome these challenges, we implemented a multi-faceted approach: 

  • Round-the-Clock Operations: We set up a night shift team that conducted surveys during road closures. This strategy allowed us to collect data without disrupting the heavy daytime traffic. The data gathered overnight was promptly processed and handed over to the bridge designers and engineers the next day, ensuring a seamless workflow.  

  • Safety Collaboration: We worked closely with safety teams to develop strong protocols for safe entry and operation within the bridge's confined spaces, always ensuring the well-being of our team members. 

  • Advanced Scanning Technology: We consulted the Ultimate Positioning Group (Trimble) to identify tech-lead solutions, allowing us access to a variety of state-of-the-art scanners. These advanced tools were selected to meet the diverse and demanding data collection needs of the project, ensuring the highest levels of accuracy. 


Despite the challenging environment, our innovative approach yielded outstanding results: 

  • Client Communication: We were available 24/7, enabling constant dialogue and information exchange with the client. This ensured that any queries or concerns were promptly addressed. 

  • High Accuracy Data: The use of advanced scanning technology ensured that we collected highly accurate data, even amidst constant vibrations and confined working conditions. 

  • Minimised Disruptions: Conducting surveys during night shifts and road closures allowed us to minimise disruptions to the busy roadway. 

  • Continuous Workflow: The seamless handover of data from the night shift team to the office team facilitated a continuous workflow, significantly accelerating the project timeline. 

  • Validation of Existing Drawings: Our concrete scanning efforts validated the existing bridge drawings.  

  • Precise 3D Model: Ultimately, we successfully produced a comprehensive 3D model of the bridge that played a pivotal role in the bridge's design process. This model will not only enhance the precision of the strengthening tendon design but will also contribute to the overall safety and integrity of the bridge. 

Interested in our services? 

Our project on the Graham Street Bridge exemplifies the importance of precision, safety, and innovative problem-solving in infrastructure projects.  

If you are interested in learning more about our solutions or have a project that could benefit from our expertise, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  

Give us a call at 1300 038 796. 

We are committed to delivering excellence in every project we undertake.